Sunday, February 26, 2012

Juliasaurus' Interview

Team Plays Like a Girl Member

    Rawr! A wild Juliasaurus has appeared! All joking aside Julia has been a member of team PLaG since 1/29/2012. She adapted her play style from the role of support to the role a solo top to meet the team's needs. Her friendship with well known streamer Grackis piqued her interest in starting her own stream. On average she manages 70 viewers on weekdays and over 100 on the weekends. Not bad for someone who's been streaming for a few months. Her bubbly personality and outlook keeps the team in good spirits during ranked game while her dedication and knowledge of League of Legends gives her team a strong backbone that they'll need for tournament play.

  1. Name?   "Julia."
  2. Where are you from?   "Texas.."
  3. How old are you?   "18."
  4. Do you plan on going to college?   "Yep!"
  5. What major?   "Um.. Physics."
  6. Favorite Game?   "Either Fall Out or Portal 2, I like them both it's all good!"
  7. What are some of the challenges you face with your role as solo top?  "Getting ganked it's like really annoying when a jungler comes and ganks you and it just ruins your lane."
  8. What draws you to your role of solo top?   "Urm.. hrm.. it's just like really cool, I mean mid isn't the same as top you have to be really bursty but when you're solo top you just gotta go in there, I dunno it's really fun!"
  9. What do you feel you need to improve upon the most as a player?   "Last hitting."
  10. Who is your favorite League of Legends streamer/player?   "I'd go with Regi or Grackis, I'd also say Dyrus those are my three top."
  11. What do you enjoy most about streaming?   "Uh.. talking to IRC and saying funny stuff on stream it's pretty fun people get to watch."
  12. How long have you been playing League of Legends?   "Close to around a year or so, maybe less then a year it's pretty close. It's been on and off."
  13. Who is your favorite champion in League of Legends?   "Riven."
  14. What are you goals as a member of 4nothing Plays Like a Girl?   *sings* "I BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC! Um.. yah that sounds good. I do believe in the magic I am a wizard huehuehue."
  15. How does it feel to the first North American all female team to be sponsored?   "IT'S AWESOME!!! I love it."
  16. Have you competed in any tournaments?    "Nope."
  17. Which tournament do you wish to compete in with Plays Like a Girl?   "DREAMHACK!"
  18. Does she plan on practicing AP top much like the old meta? (asked by Wekz)  "I might, mid's pretty much my worst role."
  19. What about League of Legends do you feel turns away new players who are trying the game out?  (asked by Fohere Ore Tugo)  "I dunno really the ragers maybe that or people just give up."
  20. Do you think of life as an RPG? (asked by Omega)   "Yes I do."
  21. How long have you been playing solo top lane? (asked by Axel001)   "Mmm.. Less then a month I guess. It's been on and off."
  22. Why are you so loveable? (asked by Tys)   "Cus Imma carebear!"

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cranburry's Interview

Plays Like a Girl Team Member

     Cranburry is team PLaG's jungler. However you might spot her in the top lane as Nidalee from time to time. She has been a member of the League of Legends community since beta and joined the girls of PLaG on February 20th 2012. As a streamer she attracts viewers with her witty and sarcastic humor; "ABANDON SHIP" & "I'm so heat right now" are some of her more famous quotes.  In 2008 Cranburry was a part of team LZH before joining PLaG. She has participated in the tournament Go4LoL three times but unfortunately was unable to win. Now that Cranburry is apart of team PLaG she plans to change that when the team finishes training.

  1. Name?   "Ryanne"
  2. Where are you from?   "Canadian turned state side living in Portland Oregon mostly spending my time in the kitchen."
  3. What made you move to the US? (asked by LargeSnorlax)   "My mom was the accountant for the guy that invented the koosh ball so we needed to live in Cali. Then the company went under and I ended up moving here."
  4. Are you in college?   "Uh no, completed." 
  5. What was your major?   "BFA, fine art degree."
  6. What do you do for a job?   "Bridal Consultant."
  7. What's your heritage?    "Pretty sure that it's German.. but I guess half tequila half failed birth control."
  8. Favorite game?   "Final Fantasy 7, League of Legends is a close second but I have the meteor from FF7 tattooed on my back."
  9. What are some challenges you face with your role as jungler?   "Jungle is REALLY new to me. I'm just starting to get it down. I main support so I am aware of jungle pathing and such. I need to learn how to focus on what's going on and having more map awareness. Jungle is hard!
  10. What draws you to your role as jungler?    "At first it was Starcity [player] but now that I have a feel for it, it's the challenge. Jungle is like a completely different game then any other role."
  11. What do you feel you need to improve upon most as a player?   "Map awareness."
  12. Who is your favorite League of Legends streamer/player?    "I really like Dyrus. Also Xpecial, I think he's really talented and under rated."
  13. How long have you been streaming?    "Few months now."
  14. What do you enjoy most about streaming?    "My friends get to watch me play. I get to hear their input and I really respect that. In fact I first started to stream because of that."
  15. What kind of music do you listen to while you stream?   "Depends on the champion I'm playing. Like if I'm playing Soraka I need to play really calm relaxing music. Normally I have on top 40 unless I'm really mad then I put on some rock or rap."
  16. Hobbies besides gaming? (asked by LilShadowss)  "Uh.. I do a lot of graphic design and I also write."
  17. How did it feel leading Girls4LoL and getting 3rd place? (asked by Starcity)  "It was really cool, I know there was some problems with the event but getting to meet all those girl gamers who are so talented was pretty awesome. My team was pretty sweet! We all were pretty close."
  18. What accomplishment do you believe you'll achieve with your time on the team? (asked by Mcnuttybuddy)   "Um, just to be recognized as a team. You know one of those teams people know."
  19. In Etrian Odyssy, do you recommend exchanging the farmer class for a more competent fighter, despite the 20 level difference at the current stage of the game? (asked by Vitamin Barn)   "Stick with the farmer yo, it's not just for facebook."
  20. How did she pick the name Cranburry?  (asked by TheDarkSentry)    "My name was Clandragoon then I changed it to Dragoodle then I was Missdoodle but then I was harassed in game for being a girl. So my last change was to Cranburry because my friend always said "Cran" instead of "Clan."
  21. How much time do you dedicate to League of Legends? And how is your time distributed? (asked by Jazzmaster88)   "If I'm not a work I'm playing League of Legends and most of that time goes into solo ranked."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Everything is Almost Setup

So we've set up our Twitter (run by Cranburry) and our Facebook (run by L16HT). So please support by following and using the like button on facebook! Our blog should be updated as each of the girls sets up new emails. Any teams looking to scrim need to contact our manager in-game on Fuinir or email On a last note you can donate by clicking the paypal button because we all know L16HT needs more champs... It's hard to trade with someone that has a grand total of 14 champions!


How Plays Like a Girl Started

Team Plays Like a Girl is a amateur team of 4Nothing composed of all female players. Staring out as a small group under the team name "BALLS or GTFO" founded by Dakotah, L16HT, Starcity and Lorye. Later on they dropped the name due to its inappropriateness; After a game Dakotah was told she played like a girl so from there the team adopted the name. The team remained dormant until they picked up solo top player JULIASAURUS. Dakotah's sister Keria Skyler was later added to the team as support after expressing interest. Cranburry is the team's latest member taking over the role of jungle from Starcity who needed to leave the team due to job obligations.

Team Roster

  • Solo Top : JULIASAURUS
  • AP Mid : Lorye
  • Jungle : Cranburry & Starcity
  • Support : L16HT & Keira Skyler
  • AD Carry : Dakotah

4Not Keira Skyler's Stream


4Not Cranburry Stream