Team Plays Like a Girl Member
L16HT is a founding member of PLaG. Her and Dakotah met back in October 2011 and have been playing bottom lane together ever since. "I support you so you can carry me <3" Is L16HT's main quote about playing the support role. The role of support is often forgotten and thought of as the easiest role on the team to play. However L16HT has proven time and time again that a good support is game changing. Her main job is to give sight on the map as well as ensuring the AD carry is fed off creeps. Any stream viewer can tell you without L16HT Dakotah would fall flat on her face.
- Name? "Yasemin."
- Where are you from? "I'm from New York City."
- Are you in college? "I just graduated!"
- What was your major? "Journalism, Government and Politics."
- Favorite Game? "Final Fantasy IX was my favorite game I think."
- When did you start playing League of Legends? "November 2010."
- What got you into League of Legends? "DAI2K, my boyfriend. He really wanted me to play it and I derped around for most of season one. Then I fell in love with support and it really helped me learn how to play the game from supporting him bottom."
- What are some of the challenges you face with your role as support? "Trying to sync up with Dakotah and her lack of communication. Also map awareness."
- What draws you to your role of support? "Uh.. It's fun because you have a lot of duties like keeping your eye on the map, saving your team mates, and setting up kills."
- What do you feel you need to improve upon the most as a player? "My timing. The timing of dragon and the jungle, all that."
- Who is your favorite League of Legends streamer/player? "SCARRA!"
- Who is your favorite champion in League of Legends? "Uh.. Hm.. Wukong is my favorite for right now. Maybe Warwick too."
- What are you goals as a member of 4nothing Plays Like a Girl? "Just to make a name for girls in e-sports and to just do well."
- How does it feel to the first North American all female team to be sponsored? "Amazing at the same time scary because a lot of people are looking at you expecting you to do really well."
- Which tournament do you wish to compete in with Plays Like a Girl? "Uh I don't really mind what tournament we play in as long as we get to be a team."
- Hobbies besides gaming? "Paintballing and I like to read. Those are mostly it, I really like paintballing."
- What should your CS (creep score) be at the 15 minute mark? (asked by Bizzelbee) "Zero because I'm support."
- What is your favorite movie made before you were born? (asked by jpfunk) "The Goonies!"
- If you were in a zombie apocalypse and could only take five items what would you take? (asked by King Tues) "I would take a supply of Sour Patch Kids, ummm I'd want to drive around in an armored trailer, have a gun that can use anything for ammo (like the one you can build in Fallout), The Office seasons, and xbox."
- Pick one Star Wars or Star Trek? (asked by HCGrackis) "Star Wars."
- If you were stranded on a deserted island what five music albums would you take? (asked by Aewynia) "Five is not enough!!! But I would take The Strokes- Is This It, The Shins- Oh, Inverted, Kanye West- Late Registration, Lupe Fiasco- The Cool, Macklemore- The Vs. Ep."
- What vital items do you feel you need to take as a support to help your team progress? (Optimus Tom) "ITEMS!!! Of course it's situational, but after your gold items you want to build an Aegis for the team. If your AD carry is doing really well get a Zeke's Herald (also good if you're playing in a non sustain lane). If your AP carry is doing really well build a Will of the Ancients. Shurelya's Reverie if you your team needs help getting away from a team or trying to catch up. And most importantly buy wards! Pink wards are essential when warding dragon and baron. Get an oracle! Depending on how well your lane is doing you can get it early, it basically shuts down the other support who can't afford one, and it also give your team map control."
- What sucks most about being in lane with Dakotah? (asked by Lucipher) "WHEN SHE GOES RAMBO! But also when she gets down on herself if we fail in lane."
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